
Like many artists I know, life in the studio after Nov. 8th, 2016 has been a struggle.  The question of how to go on in face of the unimaginable political developments around us has been daunting.  In my case, after a month or so of false starts and feeble attempts to keep on doing what I had been doing, I decided to tackle the beast head on and began work on a series of photographs of the Trump administration.  The portraits are composites of images culled from the press and re-worked to reflect the essence of their character as I see it.


The pictures aren’t subtle and they’re not meant to be. There’s nothing subtle about brutishness.  In the tradition of Grosz, Dix or Golub, these are biased illustrations of the face of power, a gallery of rogues, filtered through rage.  

While the images were for the most part made for social media, meant to be sent out into the world as a way to seek confirmation that I wasn’t alone and that others saw these people through the same lens I did, I am also offering prints for sale, individually or as a suite of fifteen 12” x 16” prints.
Individual pictures are 100 dollars or the entire suite can be purchased for 1000 dollars.  

All proceeds go towards either the ACLU or Planned Parenthood, at the discretion of the buyer.


Purchases/donations can be made here: